Grow Lending and Membership

In today’s competitive market it is essential to offer members value with great user experience.

We deliver digital solutions and lending frameworks to grow your membership and loan book.

Thousands Of Icons

Salient comes packed with amazing icon families for you to choose from. Practically anything you could imagine exists.

Beautiful Design

Quality over quantity. Enjoy a vast array of carefully designed & unique elements with tons of control over fine tuning them.

Extensive Documentation

Never feel lost again. Documentation is available in addition to a series of video tutorials exclusively for Salient.

Digital Marketing

Leverage social media and Google to engage members

Advertising with Facebook, Google, Instagram. Campaign Management Delivering high performance and reporting Copy Compelling calls to actions and processes. Websites, Customisable sites and landing pages

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CRM platform to manage member engagement and CU performance

Member Engagement. Sales and Marketing management. Service management
Consent management, Outbound Communications, Workflow Management, Task and Process management. Diary system, Business Intelligence, BI and Dashboard reporting, Market segmentation

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FinTech Enablers

Enhance market reach, member experience and process efficiency

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia

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