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There is enormous opportunity for credit unions in embracing new and emerging technologies and so we are about to embark on an ambitious digital transformation journey.

Techbridge aims to build links through knowledge sharing and networking. Estonia is recognised as world leader in Fintech and cyber security. CUDA, in conjunction with Enterprise Ireland and Enterprise Estonia are proud to give credit unions a unique opportunity to hear from some of the most innovative Fintech & Cybersec companies in the world today.

This event will provide an opportunity to meet the global leaders in Fintech and get an understanding of how their innovations can enable credit unions to offer a market-leading member experience.

Speakers will be listed on the Techbridge Homepage –

Event Information

Friday, 1st September 2017
Spencer Hotel, IFSC, Dublin 1
Registration: 8:30 am
Commences: 9:00am
Concludes: 1:00 pm

A special rate of €219 per night double occupancy is available by contacting

Registrations are closed.

To follow the event live on Facebook please like our page.

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